Saturday, January 25, 2025

Ways in which mobile technology can boost logistics

Money & Market

Whether you are talking about  monitoring movement of goods from the warehouse or monitoring products in transit or enhancing customer experience mobile technologies play a major role in these fronts.

The fact that mobile devices have become affordable means that they can be rampantly used. And the availability of apps that integrate and connect directly to business systems have made this better.

We look at ways in which  mobile technology can benefit logistics industry:

Accessibility of Transportation Resources

One of the ways in which mobile technology has played a major role in logistics is by boosting enhanced accessibility of transportation resources. Take Amazon or Uber for instance, these are companies that have utilized the power of mobile technology and as such are offering superb service in terms of movement and delivery of goods and services.

Precise Location Tracking

Virtually every modern mobile device includes an integrated GPS, which means the precise location of each and every truck and shipment can be accurately tracked at any moment. The GPS also allows lost drivers for example to track their location and intended destination. Overall this increases efficiency and faster delivery of goods because one is able to monitor traffic jam of a certain area and avoid it.

Improved Data Flow & Accuracy

Mobile technology has especially improved data entry and the fact that these devices can be carried from place to place a high level of accuracy can be achieved. This have even been made better with mobile systems that integrate with existing bar code and scanning technology.

Customer Service & Retail Experience

It is not only businesses that benefit from mobile technology, customers have also been a major beneficiary of mobile technology. E-commerce site for example that have been optimised for mobile are reporting mega sales every year. Customers have the ability to order what they need to buy at the comfort of their homes. Companies such as Amazon, Alibaba and Jumia are thriving in this area.

3. Manage fuel consumption and taxes.

Using a mobile PC to record mileage or fuel purchases helps improve accuracy since the driver is less likely to forget. That means better cost analysis, including capture of gas taxes. Keeping close track of mileage can help with scheduling fleet maintenance as well, so vehicles will be better maintained and less apt to break down.


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