Saturday, January 25, 2025

Secure Waters Africa Digi-Conference

Money & Market

[divider style=”solid” top=”20″ bottom=”20″][dropcap]A [/dropcap]Digi-Conference is an exclusive C-level conference designed to address the most pressing needs of leading sectors during the pandemic and address preparedness measures for these sectors for life beyond the pandemic era.

Each conference will include a series of panel discussions which address specific topics of importance for the sector.

The conference is conducted for 3 hours for 1 day using bespoke online video conferencing technology allowing industry experts and stakeholders to participate as we re-create the physical conference environment online.

Digi-Conference helps solve your business information needs whilst ensuring your safety by delivering to your requirements in the comfort of your house or office.

Secure Waters Africa Digi-Conference overview

With over 30,000 kms of coastline, Africa has several key and strategic geographic locations that are considered as emerging trade hubs, which play a vital role in the continent’s socio-economic prosperity and the growth of global commerce.

However, maritime insecurity presents a critical challenge to the continent, hindering it from unlocking its maritime potential. Crimes, including piracy, kidnapping, armed robbery, and oil bunkering are increasing and pose serious threats to the seafarers. According to the International Maritime Bureau, 90% of the world’s maritime piracy crimes take place in the Gulf of Guinea alone.

This increase in maritime illegal activity, has urged the local and regional authorities to work collaboratively on adopting maritime domain awareness and counterpiracy, and illegal activity monitoring and prevention strategies and solutions that can enable them to safeguard security and safety of seafarers, including oil companies and fishing and shipping lines passing or operating on the continent’s waters.

Secure Waters Africa Digital Conference will bring together senior officials from key African countries’ Navy and Marine Corps, Coast Guards and Law Enforcement Authorities. This platform aims at identifying and discussing innovative strategies and solutions, such as C4ISR, drones, and surveillance systems, that will help African military and law enforcement agencies prevent and counter maritime

threats and illegal activities and increase the continent’s territorial and international waters security.

Also Read

Webinar:Day of the Seafarer 2020


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